Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Touches Can Make People Healthier

Touches Can Make People Healthier

Any form of touch whether it be hands, massage or hug known to have effects on the body and mind. Because it received a touch of someone can make it more healthy.

The effects of this touch can lower blood pressure, making the heart healthy, improve immune function, relieve pain and reduce anxiety.

There are several ways that can touch a person do to improve her health, as quoted by CNN on Friday (04/03/2011):

Doing massage
Anyone who gets even a short massage can help them become relaxed. This condition is not limited to the psychological sensation, but it makes muscles become relaxed, normal heart rate, normal blood pressure and levels of the hormone cortisol (stress hormone) decreased. In this relaxed state will have an impact on the immune system stronger.

"The hormone cortisol can suppress the response of the immune system, so anything that can enhance the relaxation response will lead to improved systems of immunity," says Roberta Lee, MD of the Department of Integrative Medicine of the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City.

Giving hugs
Hug can make a person feel safe, trusting one another and reduce the hormone cortisol because of the hormone oxytocin. Research carried out the University of North Carolina showed a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate, and hugs given by people who are believed to give greater effect.

Holding hands while wrapping the fingers with a partner can be very calming, reducing anxiety, reducing stress hormone levels that flow in the body system and helps a person feel happier.

Having sex would involve skin contact with the skin throughout the body, so that someone will be flooded by oxytocin and endorphins that make the emotional become more prosperous and feel better.

Studies from Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania found having sex 1-2 times a week will make a person has a 30 percent greater ability to fight infection immunoglobulin A (IgA) in saliva.

Cuddle with pets
Studies show that pets be it dogs, cats, rabbits or even fish could make a decrease in blood pressure, improve immune function and reduce pain.

These benefits can be obtained by considering patterns of animals such as he jumped up, scratched his ear, stroking it and play and spend time together. But the owner must still pay attention to cleanliness and health of pets.

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Minus Plus Health Hobbies Make the Spicy Food

Minus Plus Health Hobbies Make the Spicy Food

Tongue Indonesian people mostly like spicy food. No wonder if eating spicy food habits are difficult to remove. Spicy foods can provide health benefits but also have no impact.

In addition to flavor foods and one's appetite, a spicy chili or curry to make the body healthy. Spicy taste and burning sensation caused by chili produced high concentrations of the active ingredient called capsaicin.

How the body is not a strong feature of spicy food?

What to do recognize the signals given off by the body if it can not tolerate spicy foods, such as burning sensation in the stomach.

Most people who have digestive disorders such as hiatus hernia, intestinal and stomach disorders are advised to avoid or reduce spicy foods so as not to aggravate his condition.

Here are the benefits and negative impacts on health due to eating spicy foods, as quoted by AskMen and Arxmanhealth on Thursday (03/03/2011):

The positive impact spicy food

   1. Compound of turmeric (which is on food curry) in spicy foods have the ability to reduce joint inflammation and bone damage in humans, so it can be useful for people with arthritis (joint inflammation).
   2. Several studies have shown consumption of chili and curry regularly can reduce the risk of cancer. The compound capsaicin in chillies can kill cancer cells by attacking the mitochondria without damaging healthy cells and ease the pain in the mouth for cancer patients, whereas curcumin in curry spice have anti-cancer effects.
   3. Spicy foods can help improve heart health and enhance the body's ability to dissolve blood clots.
   4. Eating foods such as chili spices can make a person sweat, thereby reducing the pain during cold and flu.
   5. A study to define the spicy foods can speed up metabolism and helps the body burn calories faster.
   6. Consumption of peppers can increase blood circulation and lowers blood pressure, and high levels of vitamins A and C may help strengthen blood vessel walls which make it elastic and better able to adjust to the differences in blood pressure.
   7. Reduce pain and discomfort, the compound capsaicin is known to reduce levels of substance P, a neurotransmitter of pain signals.

The negative impact spicy food

   1. Eating spicy foods can cause irritation by forming a strange pattern (geographic change) of the tongue.
   2. Too often eat spicy foods can reduce the layer which serves to protect the stomach. If too often then it will be increasingly thin layers that make the stomach vulnerable to infection.
   3. In some people, spicy foods can interfere with the production of stomach acid causing discomfort in the abdomen.
   4. Spicy foods can adversely impact on the quality of sleep or cause insomnia. This is due to spicy foods increase the body temperature and the first cycle of sleep stages are very sensitive to spicy foods. For that you should avoid eating spicy foods at night.
   5. Continually eating spicy foods can reduce the sensation of taste on the tongue so that one becomes less able to recognize the taste of food or drink is consumed.

Leather and Efficacious for Eaten Papaya Seed

Leather and Efficacious for Eaten Papaya Seed

So far, people already know that papaya is very good for health. But most people recognize the benefit of the papaya fruit is meat only. Though bark, leaves and papaya seeds are edible and nutritious as well.

Papaya has long been known for health benefits. In 1875, British physician TP Lucas, start a hospital in Brisbane, Australia, who treat patients with papaya.

Papaya contains papain (cysteine protease enzyme hidrolase) that can assist in digestion by breaking down proteins. Papaya is a good source of fiber, folate, vitamin A, carotenoids, lutein, lycopene and essential amino acids that affect proper cell function.

In addition, papaya has more vitamin E four times as many, 33 percent more vitamin C, 50 percent more potassium and fewer calories than orange.

An important part of the papaya not only flesh alone. Seeds, bark, leaves and fruit skin also contains elements that are not only nutritious, but have therapeutic properties (berkhasit to therapy).

LIVESTRONG Launched on Tuesday (02/11/2010), the following benefits from the bark, leaves and seeds of papaya:

Papaya skin
Just like the fruit, papaya skin can also be eaten. Papaya skin has many nutritional benefits, but only papaya skin that grows organically without chemicals and pesticide residues.

Society of Papua New Guinea are not only eating papaya skin, but uses a powerful healing properties to treat rashes and sunburn, as well as to eliminate black spots due to aging.

Papaya Leaf
The leaves may be the most profitable part of the papaya for the use of therapy. There is evidence that papaya has an anticancer effect against tumors, including breast cancer, cervix, liver, lung and pancreas.

Researchers at the University of Florida using dried papaya extract to discover the dramatic effect of papaya on 10 types of tumors. Indigenous peoples in Australia have also been successful using papaya extract to control the cancer without the toxicity.

Papaya seeds
For centuries, roots and seeds of papaya are used to make tea, which is believed to expel parasites, reduce bleeding, renal colic and jaundice.

About 20 papaya seeds contain a protein that is very easy to digest, can be chewed or swallowed to eliminate most of the parasites.

A study from Nigeria and published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that dried papaya seeds is an effective treatment cheap, natural and widely available for human intestinal parasites without significant side effects.

The disease can be alleviated by Eat Durian

The disease can be alleviated by Eat Durian

Hear durian that crossed my mind is a delicious fruit but evil as the super high fat content. But do not be afraid first, if not excessive durian eating can be just the medicine.

Durian's most lots contain carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Not only that, other substances such as fiber, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, zinc and iron are also present in it.

Because of the high calorie, durian fruit is hot so that patients with diabetes or pregnant women is not recommended to eat durian.

Just imagine that in 100 grams of durian contained 147 kcal. That means when a person eating 1 kg of durian, the number of calories she has received 1470 kcal or already comparable with meal portions for one day.

Durian also contains a lot of sugar even though there are biological manganese that can keep sugar levels stable. For pregnant women, durian is believed to no good because they contain lots of sugar and a little alcohol.

Although no studies that prove that the Durian triggers contractions and a miscarriage, pregnant women are always advised to not eat too much of this fruit.

Digestive disorders can also occur if the durian is consumed along with alcohol. Research at the University of Tsukuba, Japan and even proves sulfur content in durian can inhibit the metabolism of alcohol and can lead to death.

Well, that's all the dangers that exist on durian if you eat too much or be coupled with high-cholesterol foods such as meat or alcohol.

On the other hand, durian, dubbed as the 'king of fruits' is also a lot of benefits that not only obtained from the fruit but the skin and leaves are also useful. Her skin could to repel mosquitoes and treat ringworm while the leaves are widely used as a decoction for fever.

But since not many people who eat durian leaves skin especially, benefit from the delicious durian flesh is certainly more readily available.

Quoted from Healthmad, Friday (12/11/2010), the following are some diseases that can be overcome by eating durian fruit which is not too much.

   1. Overcoming constipation because many contain fiber
   2. Overcoming anemia because it contains folate or vitamin B9 is needed to produce red blood cells
   3. Maintaining healthy skin because it contains Vitamin C that act as antioxidants and antiaging
   4. Contains lots of potassium or calcium, so good for bones and joints keseahtan
   5. Origin does not eat too much, the content of manganese in the durian can keep blood sugar levels remain stable
   6. Contain copper compounds that can maintain the health of the thyroid gland
   7. Keeping appetite because many contain thiamine or Vitamin B1
   8. Overcoming migraine because it contains the compound riboflavin or vitamin B2
   9. Relieves stress and overcoming depression because it contains Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine
  10. Maintaining oral health because they contain posphor.

But if you eat durian obtained even unpleasant body, try to check again how many who've eaten durian and eat whatever duriannya sparking a friend not feeling well.

3 Advantages Compared Fruit Vegetables

3 Advantages Compared Fruit Vegetables

Although both come from plants and contain fiber and various kinds of essential nutrients, in some fruits and vegetables had a difference. The fruit has a number of advantages that are not owned by the vegetables.

Excerpted from the LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (23/11/2010), the following three advantages fruit than vegetables.

1. Source of quick energy
Various types of fruits contain simple sugars such as glucose and fructose which does not need to be broken down through enzymatic digestion. Simple sugar is more easily absorbed in the intestine, thus more quickly converted into energy.

In contrast, most vegetables have a taste more bitter because the structure of its sugar content to form a long chain polysaccharide. To be used as a source of energy, needs to be broken once polysaccharides into simple sugars so that takes more time.

2. More antioxidant-rich
Compared to vegetables, fresh fruits such as apples, cherries, blueberries and raspberries have a higher content of flavonoids. These compounds serve to protect cells from inflammation (inflammation) and the damage so it can fight the effects of aging.

3. No need to be cooked
In addition to vegetables, vegetables are rarely eaten raw especially directly from the tree. This is what distinguishes the fruits that almost everything can be consumed directly without having to be cooked first.

Even some kinds of vegetables are used for actual vegetables including fruits category, such as cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers.

How to Clean Vegetables and Fruits of Pesticides

How to Clean Vegetables and Fruits of Pesticides

Pesticides are used to prevent pests on fruit and vegetable crops. Unfortunately, the content of these pesticides can be harmful to human body in the long term. This way removes pesticides from vegetables and fruits.

Fruits and vegetables are believed to be a healthy diet rich in fiber. But the latest health report actually find 67 types of pesticides that end up making fruit and vegetables 'dirty'.

Pesticides are chemicals used to control, deny, lure or eradicate the pests, diseases and weeds that have no effect on the plant. Pesticides are often referred to as 'poison'. But many farmers who use pesticides to prevent damage or decay.

In certain amount, the use of pesticides for fruit and vegetable crops can still be tolerated body. However, if excessive amounts can be harmful to health, such as causing cancer, ADHD in children, nervous system disorders, thyroid disorders and weakened immune systems.

Here are some ways to reduce and clean the vegetables and fruit from the pesticide, as reported by Hubpages, Tuesday (01/02/2011):

   1. Wash your hands with soap and running water before handling food products, including the current will wash fruits and vegetables.
   2. Wash fruits and vegetables with clean water and flows to clean up the remnants of soil and dirt.
   3. Use a toothbrush or a soft brush to clean up pesticides from fruits and vegetables, and keep the water flowing.
   4. Discard outer leaves of leafy vegetables and then rinse with clean water and flow.
   5. Peel the skin of vegetables and fruits that have thick skin, especially fruits and vegetables are coated with wax.
   6. To remove wax can also be washed with warm water mixed with salt and lemon juice or vinegar.
   7. Do not use detergent or soap that could leave other residual chemicals in fruits and vegetables.
   8. Cooking helps reduce the number of residual pesticides in fruits and vegetables that are not lost when peeled or washed.
   9. We recommend that you buy organic fruits and vegetables when you are still afraid of pesticides.
  10. If you have a garden, you too can grow their own fruit and vegetables so that certainly does not contain pesticides.

Super Sweet fruits of that Can Make You Fat

Super Sweet fruits of that Can Make You Fat

Many people want to worn at the edges of the body by eating lots of fruits and vegetables. But you also must be very clever to choose pieces if you want to lose weight, because the fruit with high sugar content can actually make you more fat.

Fruit contains natural sugar called fructose, which is also widely used to sweeten soft drinks and junk food. Scientists claim that the natural fruit sugar can be more dangerous than other types of sugar.

Research conducted at the University of California scientists also found that high fructose levels could be one of triggering an epidemic of obesity or overweight.

In tests conducted, fat people given high doses of fructose were more likely to gain weight around the abdomen rather than the participants who were given normal glucose.

In addition, despite having similar body weight, cholesterol levels of participants who were given fructose were higher when compared with participants who were given regular glucose.

"Fat in the abdominal or intra-abdominal fat is the most dangerous type and associated with diabetes and heart disease," said Dr. Peter Havel, leader of the study, as reported by Dailymail, Friday (4/2/2011).

According to him, pure fructose is mostly found in fresh fruit, fruit juice and jam. While that is often a major problem is the high fructose content of corn syrup are often added in a variety of foods to replace sugar.

"Cakes are made with fructose could be more dangerous than that made with sugar," Dr. Havel.

In a separate study, Dr. Havel's research team compared the immediate effects of eating foods that 25 percent of that energy comes from high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, fructose, or glucose.

The results, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the level of triglycerides (blood fat) after 24 hours of consuming fructose, sucrose or high fructose corn syrup are on the same high levels, but glucose showed lower yields.

However, with the results of this research experts warn that does not mean people should stop eating fruit. Not all fresh fruits contain high fructose. In spite of its fructose content, the risk is obtained comparable health benefits.

Noteworthy is fruit juice made by adding sugar to it, causing sugar levels to be higher.

Dr Samuel Oetoro, SpG.K., clinical nutritionist FKUI-RSCM, give some examples of fruits with low sugar levels, namely:

   1. Avocado
   2. Apple
   3. Pears
   4. Orange

While the fruit with high sugar levels are as follows:

   1. Duren
   2. Banana
   3. Mango
   4. Pineapple
   5. Soursop
   6. Jackfruit
   7. Sapodilla

Durian Better than Watermelon and Papaya?

Durian Better than Watermelon and Papaya?

Who says bad durian? In certain cases even better durian fruit watermelon and papaya. What is the advantage compared to durian and papaya watermelon?

Durian's most lots contain carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Not only that, other substances such as fiber, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, zinc and iron are also present in it.

But did you know that durian fruit actually has a lower glycemic index than watermelon and papaya.

In the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2008, there was a study called 'Glycimic Index of Common Malaysian Fruits' by Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia. The experiment was conducted on 4 types of fruit is durian, papaya, watermelon and pineapple.

Of all the fruits studied, it turns out the durian has a glycemic index (Glycimic index or GI), the lowest is 49. GI highest owned pineapple namely 82, 58 and watermelon papaya 55, as reported by ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, Thursday (03/03/2011).

Glycemic index (GI) is the scale or number given to certain foods based on how big these foods increase blood sugar levels, the scale used is 0-100. Called low-glycemic index when they're on a scale of less than 50, medium glycemic index if its value is 50-70 and high glycemic index if the number is above 70.

Glycemic index applies to carbohydrates and is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates are converted into glucose. The lower the GI, the slower the digestive process and the greater feeling of satiety obtained.

So, with the low GI owned durian, the carbohydrates they contain at least digestible and provide a sense of satiety for longer. In a simple sense durian providing a longer sense of satiety because glucose is processed into longer, so do not directly cause the spike in blood sugar levels significantly.

But despite its low GI, including durian fruit that has a high calorie so as not suitable for people with the condition or disease

Just imagine that in 100 grams of durian contained 147 kcal. That means when a person eating 1 kg of durian, the number of calories she has received 1470 kcal or already comparable with meal portions for one day.

Because of the high calorie, durian fruit is hot so that patients with diabetes or pregnant women is not recommended to eat durian.

But if not eaten too much and not coupled with the high-cholesterol foods such as meat or alcohol, durian still can give positive effects to the body.

Quoted from Healthmad, here are some diseases that can be overcome by eating durian fruit which is not too much.

   1. Overcoming constipation because many contain fiber
   2. Overcoming anemia because it contains folate or vitamin B9 is needed to produce red blood cells
   3. Maintaining healthy skin because it contains Vitamin C that act as antioxidants and antiaging
   4. Contains lots of potassium or calcium, so good for bones and joints keseahtan
   5. Origin does not eat too much, the content of manganese in the durian can keep blood sugar levels remain stable
   6. Contain copper compounds that can maintain the health of the thyroid gland
   7. Keeping appetite because many contain thiamine or Vitamin B1
   8. Overcoming migraine because it contains the compound riboflavin or vitamin B2

Relieves stress and overcoming depression because it contains Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine
Maintaining oral health because they contain posphor.

But if you eat durian obtained even unpleasant body, try to check again how many who've eaten durian and eat whatever duriannya sparking a friend not feeling well.

How to tighten the Thigh and Buttocks

How to tighten the Thigh and Buttocks

Having toned thighs and buttocks that can help boost confidence, achieve fitness and allows you to wear anything they want. How do I?

Thighs and buttocks are often a problem due to the accumulation of fat in the area. To tighten the two parts of the body may be done by burning excess body fat with cardiovascular exercise and build muscle with weight training.

Excess fat can hide muscle tone. Cardiovascular exercise such as walking, swimming, aerobics and cycling are performed 30 to 45 minutes a day to burn excess fat on the thighs and buttocks, as reported by LIVESTRONG on Saturday (02/19/2011).

In addition to burning fat in the thighs and buttocks, cardiovascular exercise can also increase the body's metabolic system, thus speeding up the burning of calories in the body that prevent the buildup of fat.

Exercises to tighten your thighs

Consists of quadricep thigh muscle (quadriceps) and hamstring (rear thigh). When the muscles are tight, then the legs will look slim. Build muscle mass in the thigh can be done with cardio and weight training exercises.

Squat is a fairly common practice and is also a very effective movement to tighten the thigh. This exercise is done by standing half-squat with feet and hips widened.

Pile weight on heels, knees and do the movement tekut squat as low as possible or until the parallel to the floor, then return to standing position. Try to add weight to increase the challenge in the thigh muscle.

Exercises to tighten your buttocks

To tighten the buttocks, which need to be targeted are the gluteus muscles (muscles of the buttocks). One exercise you can do is bend the knee, with one foot stepping forward and then bend. This exercise can also be combined with lifting weights in hand. Perform this exercise two or three days a week for 30 to 40 minutes.

Other exercises that can tighten the buttocks is the glute kickbacks, with such a position rests on all fours with two hands and one knee, while the other leg lifted up to form the letter L between the calf and knee. Repeat with opposite leg.

This Causes Tingling At Sports

This Causes Tingling At Sports

If you experience a tingling sensation while exercising, it's not normal. Cause
tingling during exercise could be simpler or more serious. What are the causes?

Tingling numbness and abnormal sensation in the body can occur anywhere, but most often felt in the arms, legs, arms, or legs.

This condition most often occurs when people sit down, cross-legged or standing for long periods, so the blood does not reach the feet or hands. But tingling can also occur even if you are moving actively, such as during exercise.

Here are some of the causes tingling during exercise, as reported by LIVESTRONG on Wednesday (02/22/2011), namely:

1. Less oxygen
Oxygen is very important to destroy the sugar and fat for energy. Oxygen must reach the road to the body's cells to have sustainable energy.

After the lungs provide oxygen to the heart, blood and arteries move oxygenated blood to the muscles contracting. Your organs have a maximum capacity for oxygen and after discharged cells rely on a small reserve of oxygen and release lactic acid, which causes muscle pain and fatigue.

Because hands and feet are the farthest to receive oxygen, excessive exercise quickly spend the amount of oxygen needed legs and hands. This can cause tingling and numbness.

2. Less electrolyte
Electrolytes are important for the functioning of muscles and nerves. Electrolytes regulate the body's hydration, blood pH and blood pressure while helping to rebuild damaged tissue. Lack of electrolytes or drinking less can make tingling and numbness in hands and feet.

3. Blood circulation is not smooth
Poor circulation or lack of blood supply to the hands or feet, can cause numbness and tingling. This condition usually occurs when you perform heavy muscular exercise or during extremely cold air.

4. Certain diseases
Certain medical conditions can cause tingling in the hands and feet when you exercise, such as diabetes, Raynaud's (a rare disease and cause skin to become pale or red spots until blue), Multiple Sclerosis (autoimmune disease) or nerve injury.

Sports Can Cause Allergies

Sports Can Cause Allergies

Sports should be able to create a healthy body and burn calories so they can get the ideal body weight. But for some people, exercise can cause allergies.

If you experience symptoms of allergies such as rash or itchy skin while exercising, you may be suffering from a condition called exercise urticaria. These symptoms can develop during or after exercise and leaving signs such as bumps or marks on the skin flat, red spots or blisters.

Allergies because exercise can occur due to an increase in histamine during exercise. Histamine is a chemical that is released in the body as part of an allergic reaction.

Dilation of blood capillaries and leakage of fluid into the dermis of skin also plays a role.

In addition to rashes and itching, allergies exercise also cause symptoms as reported by LIVESTRONG on Thursday (03/03/2011), namely:

   1. Redness
   2. Abdominal cramps
   3. Headache
   4. Swelling of the tongue, face and hands

In rare circumstances, vigorous exercise, allergies can cause anaphylaxis (hypersensitivity reactions are very rare) which can cause constriction of the throat and symptoms such as choking, wheezing, nausea and gastro intestinal disorders (gastrointestinal tract).

Some people also develop allergies caused by the exercise if you eat certain foods before exercise such as alcohol, cheese, seafood or tomatoes.

To prevent the occurrence of allergy during or after exercise, exercise urticaria patients should exercise 4 to 6 hours after eating.

Also, avoid using anti-inflammatory drugs non-steroidal or aspirin before exercise, because the drug is most often associated with exercise urticaria.

Patients with anaphylaxis also do not exercise during menstrual period. According to a study published in the journal American Family Physician, avoid exercises that are more likely to cause allergic reactions such as dancing, jogging, walking, skiing, and volleyball are frequently associated with anaphylaxis.

Once you begin experiencing symptoms, slow the pace or rest for about 5 to 10 minutes for allergy symptoms do not worsen.