Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

How to Clean Vegetables and Fruits of Pesticides

How to Clean Vegetables and Fruits of Pesticides

Pesticides are used to prevent pests on fruit and vegetable crops. Unfortunately, the content of these pesticides can be harmful to human body in the long term. This way removes pesticides from vegetables and fruits.

Fruits and vegetables are believed to be a healthy diet rich in fiber. But the latest health report actually find 67 types of pesticides that end up making fruit and vegetables 'dirty'.

Pesticides are chemicals used to control, deny, lure or eradicate the pests, diseases and weeds that have no effect on the plant. Pesticides are often referred to as 'poison'. But many farmers who use pesticides to prevent damage or decay.

In certain amount, the use of pesticides for fruit and vegetable crops can still be tolerated body. However, if excessive amounts can be harmful to health, such as causing cancer, ADHD in children, nervous system disorders, thyroid disorders and weakened immune systems.

Here are some ways to reduce and clean the vegetables and fruit from the pesticide, as reported by Hubpages, Tuesday (01/02/2011):

   1. Wash your hands with soap and running water before handling food products, including the current will wash fruits and vegetables.
   2. Wash fruits and vegetables with clean water and flows to clean up the remnants of soil and dirt.
   3. Use a toothbrush or a soft brush to clean up pesticides from fruits and vegetables, and keep the water flowing.
   4. Discard outer leaves of leafy vegetables and then rinse with clean water and flow.
   5. Peel the skin of vegetables and fruits that have thick skin, especially fruits and vegetables are coated with wax.
   6. To remove wax can also be washed with warm water mixed with salt and lemon juice or vinegar.
   7. Do not use detergent or soap that could leave other residual chemicals in fruits and vegetables.
   8. Cooking helps reduce the number of residual pesticides in fruits and vegetables that are not lost when peeled or washed.
   9. We recommend that you buy organic fruits and vegetables when you are still afraid of pesticides.
  10. If you have a garden, you too can grow their own fruit and vegetables so that certainly does not contain pesticides.

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